June 24, 2015 - The 7 Most Forgotten Things in a Move
Moving is a big deal, and it requires a lot of work throughout the entire process. This means that it can be easy to forget things along the way.
At Redman Van, we want to help your move be as simple and worry free as possible. We have come up with this list of the most forgotten items, so you can make your move without forgetting the basics.
1. Checking Bank Locations
Before your move, you should be sure that your bank has a branch in your new location, if not, make sure to transfer your bank account.
2. Meeting Your Medical Needs
If you have any prescriptions, make sure that you have them sent to a pharmacy in your new area.
3. Picking Up Things from the Cleaners
People often forget to pick up the last of their dry-cleaning. Be sure to pick up everything from the cleaners before you leave!
4. Registering a Change of Address
Snail mail is essential to many parts of modern life, so don’t forget to stop by the post office and register your new address so you don’t miss out on any of your mail.
5. Transferring and Cancelling Memberships
If you have any memberships in your area, make sure that you transfer them to your new location or cancel them if they aren’t available.
6. Finding Hidden Items
We all like to hide things around our houses, but we can’t forget them when we move! Make sure you find all your hidden items on your way out!
7. Making the Final Cleaning Check
And finally, before you leave, be sure to do your final cleaning check so everything is in top form.
Contact Redman Van to take this knowledge to the next level with an excellent mover!