Did you know that paperwork is the single largest overhead expense of any organization? Without proper management and organizational care, these documents can be easily misplaced – ultimately costing your company a fortune. With document recreation costing an average of $180 per file, it’s not uncommon for companies to spend thousands, if not millions, of dollars in document replacement costs.
If saving your company from wasting money isn’t a good enough reason to invest in a record management service, perhaps these following three reasons will help to further influence and solidify your decision.
1. Organized Records Save Time
On average, managers spend close to four weeks each year searching for, waiting for, or recreating lost, misfiled, mislabeled or untracked information. That’s nearly a month’s worth of time that should be spent completing important and necessary job tasks, not rummaging through disordered files and missing documents.
Even common office workers fall victim to mismanaged records; the average office employee frequently spends up to two hours a day looking for missing paperwork. Large organizations, in particular, are reported to lose a document every twelve seconds.
2. Properly Managed Records Provide Company Security
With a properly managed record system, your company can confidently meet any and all statutory and regulatory demands such as archival, audited and blundered activities and more. It can also provide a sense of security in events such as:
- Disasters like fire, flood, etc.
- Litigation support
- Unauthorized or inappropriate access protection
- Agency rights protection
- Much more
3. Organized Records Benefit Efficiency
Instead of wasting 7.5-percent of your time searching for files on your computer or hours of your day rummaging through unorganized file cabinets, let Redman Van manage your records for you; you’ll find your documents in a fraction of the time, letting you work more effectively and efficiently.
You’ll be able to retrieve documents in a heartbeat without using unnecessary office equipment or confusing filing systems. Redman Van has responsibly stored documents and files for business across Salt Lake City since 1891.
With a streamlined, reliable records management service, you’ll be able to access what you need, when you need it; no more wasting time, no more confusion and no more insecurity. Check out Redman Van today and get your business organized.

Sometimes, moving to a new place is necessary, but there are plenty of other reasons to move. Redman Van has come up with these 10 unusual reasons to move to a new city.
1. To Learn More about Yourself
Moving to a completely new place is an amazing opportunity to really get to know yourself.
2. To Make New Friends
Whether you love your current friend group or are looking to change things up, a new city will give you the perfect chance to meet new people and make new friends.
3. To Experience New Things
Entering a new city opens a whole world of opportunities. When you move to a new city, you are welcome to open the door to new experiences that are just around the corner.
4. To Gain Independence
Nothing makes you more independent than trying your hand at a new place.
5. To Learn to Adapt
New situations can be difficult, but when you move, you are giving yourself the chance to learn adaptation skills.
6. To Learn to Build Your Love for the Place You Left Behind
Moving to a new place can also help you appreciate your old home even more!
7. To Create New Parts of Yourself
When you move to a new city, you are free to develop new aspects of yourself.
8. To Make Changes to Your Appearance
Moving is also a great opportunity to change your appearance without worrying about the reactions of others.
9. To Increase Your Comfort Zone
The more you experience new things, the more comfortable you will become with change.
10. To Overcome Your Fears
Moving to a completely new place can help you to move past your fears and gain a love for the changes that come in life.
Keep reading the Redman Van blog to learn more about the pros and process of moving.

When you are moving across the country, you have a lot on your mind, and without the right strategy it can be a very stressful situation. The experts at Redman Van have the tools you need to move as simply as possible.
Here are five great tips to help you move quick and easy.
1. Pack Well
One of the best things you can do to manage your stress in a move is to pack carefully and effectively. When you are moving across the country, your items will encounter many bumps; this makes it especially important that your personal belongings are packed securely.
2. Carefully Consider What You’ll Take
Before you start out on your big move, it is important to go through your belongings and decide what to keep and what to leave behind. This can save you on shipping costs and unpacking at the end of your trip.
3. Organize Early
Before you begin packing the truck, you should organize your things so you can make the packing process as quick and painless as possible.
4.Clean in Advance
Instead of saving all of your cleaning for the day before you move, start deep cleaning one day at a time. Start a few weeks in advance and choose a room or section of your apartment for each day so you don’t get overwhelmed.
5. Manage Your Expenses
Moving can be expensive, and it sometimes requires changing banks. Before you move, make sure all of your finances are in order.
If you are preparing for a big move, now is the time to contact the Redman Van team. Give us a call today!

Moving is a big deal, and it requires a lot of work throughout the entire process. This means that it can be easy to forget things along the way.
At Redman Van, we want to help your move be as simple and worry free as possible. We have come up with this list of the most forgotten items, so you can make your move without forgetting the basics.
1. Checking Bank Locations
Before your move, you should be sure that your bank has a branch in your new location, if not, make sure to transfer your bank account.
2. Meeting Your Medical Needs
If you have any prescriptions, make sure that you have them sent to a pharmacy in your new area.
3. Picking Up Things from the Cleaners
People often forget to pick up the last of their dry-cleaning. Be sure to pick up everything from the cleaners before you leave!
4. Registering a Change of Address
Snail mail is essential to many parts of modern life, so don’t forget to stop by the post office and register your new address so you don’t miss out on any of your mail.
5. Transferring and Cancelling Memberships
If you have any memberships in your area, make sure that you transfer them to your new location or cancel them if they aren’t available.
6. Finding Hidden Items
We all like to hide things around our houses, but we can’t forget them when we move! Make sure you find all your hidden items on your way out!
7. Making the Final Cleaning Check
And finally, before you leave, be sure to do your final cleaning check so everything is in top form.
Contact Redman Van to take this knowledge to the next level with an excellent mover!
A Haphazard approach to moving is sure to bring you a lot of stress and unexpected expenses. For example, unless you plan ahead and get all the necessary moving supplies (boxes, tape, padding, etc.), then you can plan on making several trips to the hardware store come moving day.
Here are the basics for creating the most efficient and stress-free move (without costing you an arm and a leg).
We are starting a blog on our site, and wanted to welcome you to the first post. We’ll have lots of great content related to the moving industry in the coming weeks, so keep checking back here.